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Discover the exciting tales of God’s creatures and the holy men and women they encountered!

Read 14 beautifully illustrated stories of extraordinary animals that introduce young readers to the saints and inspire them to faithfully follow Jesus.
Saintly Creatures:
14 Tales of Animals and Their Holy Companions
Written by Alexi Sargeant
Illustrated by Anita Barghigiani
Word on Fire Votive  |  September 18, 2023
Hardcover  |  64 Pages  |  8.5" x 11"
Suggested Age Range:  6 - 12
Retail Price: $24.95 $17.47 (30% OFF and FREE US SHIPPING)
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Mark Galli was the editor in chief of Christianity Today for seven years, a Presbyterian pastor for ten years, and a passionate evangelical Protestant since first responding to an altar call in 1965 at thirteen years old. But in 2020, Galli formally returned to the faith in which he was baptized as an infant: the Roman Catholic Church. 

With All the Saints: My Journey to the Roman Catholic Church is the compelling memoir of one man’s search for the fullness of truth. Through honest and engaging storytelling, Galli recounts the various spiritual, theological, mystical, and ecclesial tributaries that led him to “cross the Tiber” back to Catholicism. Each tradition he passed through—Evangelical, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox—he embraced without satisfaction and left without bitterness, drawing him finally to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church: a Church of saints and sinners, all striving together in the great company of heaven; a Church that he could finally call home.

Honest, insightful, and entertaining, With All the Saints is a memorable love letter to Christ and his Church.

Featured Story — St. Brigid and the Boar
Feast Day: February 1

Featured Story — St. Brigid and the Boar
Feast Day: February 1

Who is Saint Brigid? Saint Brigid founded Kildare Abbey in Ireland during the fifth century where she was a religious sister and abbess. Read the touching story of Saint Brigid and the wild boar she protected found in Saintly Creatures!

Saint José Sánchez del Río — Feast Day: February 10

Who is Saint José Sánchez del Río? Saint José was a young boy who fought for God and his country in Mexico. Read the heroic story of Mexico's youngest saint and his horse featured in Saintly Creatures!

Discover the exciting tales of God’s creatures and the holy men and women they encountered! You’ll read about an enormous dog who protected a priest from an ambush, a tiger who shared his cave with persecuted Korean Christians, a dangerous wolf who was tamed by an Italian friar, a boar who was rescued from hunters by a wise Irish abbess, and many more. Each of these fourteen tales shows the heroic virtue of the saints and inspires young readers to faithfully follow Jesus. With breathtaking full-color illustrations, this storybook will become a beloved family read-aloud. It is a perfect gift from parents, grandparents, or godparents to introduce the young reader to the saints!




Saint Brigid — Feast Day: February 1

Who is Saint Brigid? Saint Brigid founded Kildare Abbey in Ireland during the fifth century where she was a religious sister and abbess. Read the touching story of Saint Brigid and the wild boar she protected found in Saintly Creatures!

Featured Story — St. José Sánchez del Río and his Horse
Feast Day: February 10

Featured Story — St. José Sánchez del Río and his Horse
Feast Day: February 10

Who is Saint José Sánchez del Río? Saint José was a young boy who fought for God and his country in Mexico—where he became a martyr for his Catholic faith. Read the heroic story of this brave saint and his horse found in Saintly Creatures!

Discover the exciting tales of God’s creatures and the holy men and women they encountered! You’ll read about an enormous dog who protected a priest from an ambush, a tiger who shared his cave with persecuted Korean Christians, a dangerous wolf who was tamed by an Italian friar, a boar who was rescued from hunters by a wise Irish abbess, and many more. Each of these fourteen tales shows the heroic virtue of the saints and inspires young readers to faithfully follow Jesus. With breathtaking full-color illustrations, this storybook will become a beloved family read-aloud. It is a perfect gift from parents, grandparents, or godparents to introduce the young reader to the saints!




Introducing Word on Fire Spark!

If you have children in your life, you want to cultivate wonder and joy in their hearts. In a world full of noise and distraction, you want their imagination to be formed by beauty so they will be drawn to God who is Beauty itself. You want them to be inspired by the saints and led to holiness. Word on Fire Spark is publishing the resources you have been waiting for. Spark offers carefully crafted stories with stunning illustrations designed to turn young hearts to the Gospel. 

Introducing Word on Fire Spark!

If you have children in your life, you want to cultivate wonder and joy in their hearts. In a world full of noise and distraction, you want their imagination to be formed by beauty so they will be drawn to God who is Beauty itself. You want them to be inspired by the saints and led to holiness. Word on Fire Spark is publishing the resources you have been waiting for. Spark offers carefully crafted stories with stunning illustrations designed to turn young hearts to the Gospel. 




Grigio the Dog

An excerpt from the eighth story in Saintly Creatures, The Great Gray Dog and Saint John Bosco:
“Time after time, when John Bosco was in danger, a great gray dog would appear and help him. John named the dog “Grigio,” meaning “gray.” At first, Grigio merely turned up to accompany John through a dangerous part of town. When he reached the Oratory, the dog would slip away. ... Grigio was a very mysterious savior. He was never seen to eat, and he appeared to help John on many occasions over the course of thirty years. Was he an earthly dog at all, or a guardian angel appearing in a four-footed form? All we know for sure is that he was a truly loyal and stalwart friend to a kind-hearted priest in need.”


14 Charming Stories of Virtue - All in One Book

14 Charming Stories of Virtue - All in One Book


The Boar and Saint Brigid

Who is Saint Brigid? Saint Brigid founded Kildare Abbey in Ireland during the fifth century where she was a religious sister and abbess. Read the touching story of Saint Brigid and the wild boar she protected out of love for God's creation!


The Mice and Saint Martin de Porres

Who is Saint Martin de Porres? Saint Martin was a humble friar at Holy Rosary Priory in Lima, Peru in the 1600s. Read the story of how Saint Martin, instead of trapping some pesky mice in the priory, decided to care for them and feed them daily–just like everyone else he encountered!

The Wolf and Saint Francis of Assisi

Who is Saint Francis of Assisi? Many people know Saint Francis as the friar who befriended animals and viewed all of God's creation with love and respect. Read one such story in Saintly Creatures of how he once saved his town from a wild wolf.


The Horse and Saint José Sánchez del Río

Who is Saint José Sánchez del Río? Saint José was a young boy who fought for God and his country in Mexico—where he became a martyr for his Catholic faith. Read the heroic story of this brave saint and his horse companion. 

The Sheep and Saint Germaine Cousin

Who is Saint Germain Cousin? Saint Germaine lived in France during the late 1500s who, though she faced many challenges in her short life, always had great faith in God. Read the story of this kindhearted saint, her simple but influential life and her sheep!

The Tiger and Blessed James Heo In-baek

Who is Blessed James Heo In-baek? Blessed James Heo In-baek was a Catholic who lived in Korea during the religious persecution of the mid-1800s. Read the shocking story of Blessed James and the tiger he encountered while hiding from those who persecuted him!

The Geese and Saint Werburgh

Who is Saint Werburgh? Saint Werburgh was an English abbess who, though born into royalty as a princess, wanted to become a nun and serve God more humbly. Read the miraculous story of the goose Saint Werburgh once saved–even after it had already been eaten!

The Great Gray Dog and Saint John Bosco

Who is Saint John Bosco? Saint John Bosco was an Italian priest born in 1815 who served the poor boys and young men in Turin and helped them live good lives. Read the story of the great gray dog that often protected Don Bosco from anti-Catholic attackers! 

The Bees and Saint Rita

Who is Saint Rita? Saint Rita lived in Italy during the 1300s and endured many hardships in her life–particularly with her family. Read the story of Saint Rita's challenging life but also the early signs that God would "bee" by her side through it all.

The Hyena and Saint Macarius

Who is Saint Macarius? Saint Macarius was a monk from Alexandria in Egypt who was born around the year 300. He lived as a hermit in a cave where he prayed and fasted in solitude. Read the amazing story of the persistent hyena who came to Saint Macarius–who was known to perform miracles–for help with her blind cubs.

The Ravens and Saint Meinrad

Who is Saint Meinrad? Saint Meinrad was Benedictine priest and hermit in Germany during the 700s. He lived in the woods to pray quietly with God, but always welcomed travelers with great hospitality. Read the story of the ravens that Saint Meinrad befriended and who defended him from robbers in his old age.

The Lion and Saint Mary of Egypt

Who is Saint Mary of Egypt? Saint Mary of Egypt was born in Alexandria during the 300s and lived a life of sin for many years. She traveled to Jerusalem where she experienced a great conversion before returning to Egypt to live a holy life in the desert. Read the story of the priest–and lion!–that accompanied Saint Mary at her death in Saintly Creatures.

The Whale and Saint Brendan

Who is Saint Brendan? Saint Brendan was an abbot from Ireland in the fifth century. Saint Brendan and his fellow monks traveled around Ireland and other neighboring countries preaching about God and founding monasteries. Read the story of one of Saint Brendan's wildest stories in which he encountered a huge whale!

The Pets of Blessed Carlo Acutis

Who is Blessed Carlo Acutis? Blessed Carlo Acutis was born in 1991 and, despite his parents' lukewarm feelings towards the Church, was very devoted to his Catholic faith. Read the story of Blessed Carlo's life, marked by: his talent with computers which he used to evangelize, his outgoing kindness for bullied classmates and the poor, and his love for the Eucharist. . . and his pets!





Here’s What People Are Saying...


What could be better than a picture book about saints and their animal friends? With stunning illustrations by Anita Barghigiani and the captivating storytelling of Alexi Sargeant, Saintly Creatures will be a favorite in your home.”

— Meg Hunter-Kilmer, author of Saints Around the World

“What a treasure Saintly Creatures is for the imagination! The beauty of the lives and the animals shines forth not merely in the glowing illustrations but in the light of Christ displayed by each saint here. Adults will enjoy this book as much as their children will, always a sign of a great children’s book.” 

Jessica Hooten Wilson, Fletcher Jones Chair of Great Books at Pepperdine University

“This is an absolutely delightful book that introduces children to the lives of the saints in a fresh and unique way. A must-have for every Catholic family bookshelf.

Jen Fulwiler, standup comic and bestselling author
Saintly Creatures has quickly risen to the top of our ‘favorite books’ list, with both my kindergartener and preschooler begging to hear the stories while they look at the gorgeous illustrations. The prose is lovely, the artwork is captivating, and the stories are helping my kids think about striving for holiness in their everyday lives. This book is a remarkable triumph—I don’t think I've ever seen anything else like it. It is essential for your Catholic family library.”

Katie Prejean McGrady, author and host of The Katie McGrady Show on Sirius XM's The Catholic Channel 

“Gorgeous art and captivating storytelling fill the pages of Saintly Creatures, but it will hold a place on my shelf because it allows my children to encounter more of our universal Church. A young Mexican martyr, a biracial saint from Peru, and Korean Catholics hiding in a tiger's cave are among stories tucked into a collection tied together by the charming theme of animals and saints.”

Sarah Hoyoung Ku, creator of Asian Catholic Woman 

“These touching tales and lovely illustrations will teach our little ones that the love of God touches each of his creatures, whether they walk on two legs or four!”

Matthew Mehan, author of The Handsome Little Cygnet and Mr. Mehan’s Mildly Amusing Mythical Mammals






About the Author

Alexi Sargeant

Alexi Sargeant is a Catholic teacher, writer, and game maker. He has worked at publications such as First Things and Magnificat. Alexi lives in Hyattsville, MD, with his wife, Leah, and their daughters, Beatrice and Thalia.

About the Illustrator

Anita Barghigiani

Anita Barghigiani graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence. She currently lives in the woods between Florence and Bologna, where she works, plays the guitar, and actively helps animals as a volunteer.