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Dr. Peter Kreeft breaks down 15 of history’s greatest dramas, offering his profound insights, hilarious wit, and drawing vivid lessons on life’s big questions.

God on Stage:
15 Plays That Ask the Big Questions
By Peter Kreeft
Word on Fire | July 8, 2024
Paperback | 240 Pages | 6" x 9"
Retail Price: $24.95  $19.96
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Mark Galli was the editor in chief of Christianity Today for seven years, a Presbyterian pastor for ten years, and a passionate evangelical Protestant since first responding to an altar call in 1965 at thirteen years old. But in 2020, Galli formally returned to the faith in which he was baptized as an infant: the Roman Catholic Church. 

With All the Saints: My Journey to the Roman Catholic Church is the compelling memoir of one man’s search for the fullness of truth. Through honest and engaging storytelling, Galli recounts the various spiritual, theological, mystical, and ecclesial tributaries that led him to “cross the Tiber” back to Catholicism. Each tradition he passed through—Evangelical, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox—he embraced without satisfaction and left without bitterness, drawing him finally to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church: a Church of saints and sinners, all striving together in the great company of heaven; a Church that he could finally call home.

Honest, insightful, and entertaining, With All the Saints is a memorable love letter to Christ and his Church.






About God on Stage

“All the world’s a stage”—but are the men and women merely players, or actors in a heavenly drama?

In God on Stage, renowned author and professor Peter Kreeft explores fifteen great dramas and, within them, five great themes: life, death, suffering, religion, and damnation. From classics like Oedipus the King and Hamlet to modern plays like Robert Bolt’s A Man for All Seasons and Cormac McCarthy’s The Sunset Limited, Kreeft draws vivid lessons on the big questions we all ask ourselves.

Like the plays it takes up, God on Stage invites readers to smile and frown, ponder and fall in love, and sit back in awe and wonder—at art, God, and the art of God that is man.










Introducing Word on Fire Spark!

If you have children in your life, you want to cultivate wonder and joy in their hearts. In a world full of noise and distraction, you want their imagination to be formed by beauty so they will be drawn to God who is Beauty itself. You want them to be inspired by the saints and led to holiness. Word on Fire Spark is publishing the resources you have been waiting for. Spark offers carefully crafted stories with stunning illustrations designed to turn young hearts to the Gospel. 






1) Pre-Christian: Dylan Thomas, Under Milk Wood
2) Christian: Thornton Wilder, Our Town
3) Post-Christian: Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot


4) Pre-Christian: Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
5) Christian: Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons
6) Post-Christian: Peter Shaffer, Equus


7) Pre-Christian: Sophocles, Oedipus the King
8) Christian: William Nicholson, Shadowlands
9) Post-Christian: Archibald MacLeish, J.B.


10) Pre-Christian: William Shakespeare, Hamlet
11) Christian: John Henry Newman, The Dream of Gerontius
12) Post-Christian: Cormac McCarthy, The Sunset Limited


13) Pre-Christian: William Shakespeare, Macbeth
14) Christian: C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce
15) Post-Christian: Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit








An Excerpt from the Introduciton


By Peter Kreeft

This book will not teach you anything about the history of theater, or of these plays, or the “correct” scholarly interpretation of them, or about the structure and technique of a play, or how to create or perform one. Nor is it a philosophy or theology of literature or of theater. Nor will it help you to think logically about tricky philosophical issues raised in these plays, like most of the “Philosophy in . . .” books about popular culture that are always written by “analytic” philosophers, who love to analyze, define, and argue. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s not what I do. What do I do with these plays? I read, and smile, or frown, or fall in love, or ponder, or open my mouth to make an O, the syllable of awe and wonder—wonder at both life and art, and at both God and man, who is God’s art.






Here’s What People Are Saying...


Made in his image, we have it in our DNA to be creators of worlds on the sub-level of art and specifically theater. Kreeft’s insights into the art of the human drama evoke what Karol Wojtyła meant when he said, ‘Outside of the drama . . . man cannot fulfill himself as a person.’
John Walker, Associate Professor of Theater, Franciscan University of Steubenville

“The world’s a stage, and we are all called to play our part in the drama of life and love. Peter Kreeft doesn’t merely play a part. He plays many parts, and he plays them all so well. He is one of our age’s greatest philosophers. He is a great apologist. He is a very good writer. He entertains. He makes us smile. He makes us laugh. He makes us look at ourselves and each other in a new light. And now, this tried and tested guide to life guides us through some of the greatest plays ever written. Those wishing to go deeper into the meaning of life and death, and the mystery of love and suffering, will find no better guide than Peter Kreeft.”
Joseph Pearce, author of Through Shakespeare’s Eyes: Seeing the Catholic Presence in the Plays

“Peter Kreeft modestly calls himself a ‘tour guide’ of these fifteen plays, but he’s something better than that: he’s a gregarious fellow sightseer, an enthusiastic rambler holding forth less systematically and more vividly than the tour guide. I’m reminded a bit of Sister Wendy Beckett’s art commentary, disparaged by some professional art critics, but beloved by ordinary people who learned more about art appreciation from a few minutes of her rapturous discourse than from pages of typical art criticism.”
Deacon Steven D. Greydanus, creator of







About the Author

About the Author

Dr. Peter Kreeft is Professor of Philosophy at Boston College and the author of over one hundred books. His many bestsellers cover a vast array of topics in spirituality, theology, and philosophy. They include Making Sense of SufferingBecause God Is RealChristianity for Modern PagansEthics for Beginners, the Socrates’ Children series, and the Food for the Soul series.

Introducing Word on Fire Spark!

If you have children in your life, you want to cultivate wonder and joy in their hearts. In a world full of noise and distraction, you want their imagination to be formed by beauty so they will be drawn to God who is Beauty itself. You want them to be inspired by the saints and led to holiness. Word on Fire Spark is publishing the resources you have been waiting for. Spark offers carefully crafted stories with stunning illustrations designed to turn young hearts to the Gospel.