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Profound insights on Sacred Scripture from one of the most brilliant minds in the history of the Church: Saint Thomas Aquinas

 Organized by topic and with extensive footnotes and indices to aid further study, this illuminating two-volume set of selected Biblical commentaries from Aquinas will open the Bible for readers in a whole new way.



Thomas Aquinas: Selected Commentaries 
(Two-Volume Bundle)
List Price: $59.90 $37 (38% OFF + FREE U.S. Shipping!)
List Price: $59.90 $37
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Thomas Aquinas’s Old Testament commentaries remain some of his most neglected writings due partly to the widely varying quality of both the commentaries themselves and their English translations, which often retain the terseness and opacity of the original Latin manuscripts. Nevertheless, Thomas’s corpus of Old Testament commentaries contains some of his finest biblical exegesis and theology. Within them, we find dimensions of his thought and literary personality that do not appear in any of his other writings.
The Selected Commentaries on the Old Testament aims to promote appreciation for Thomas’s Old Testament exegesis by making his best commentaries more accessible. To this end, it offers a topically organized selection of the most theologically profound lectures from his premier Old Testament commentaries—those on the Psalms, Job, and Isaiah. Moreover, the translations used in this collection have undergone extensive editing and revision to enhance their accuracy, elegance, clarity, stylistic consistency, and overall readability. Lastly, hundreds of explanatory footnotes have been added to facilitate study, along with two indices and a bibliography.
Together with its companion volume, Thomas Aquinas: Selected Commentaries on the New Testament, this volume of Old Testament commentaries offers a curated introduction to Thomas’s biblical commentaries, suitable for newcomers, students, and scholars alike
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NEW BOOK DEAL- $27.96 (20% OFF + FREE US Shipping!): We're also excited to announce the launch of "Thinking Through Aquinas"! Renowned theologian Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt attempts to both think through the arguments contained in the theology of Thomas Aquinas and then apply that theology to the questions that confront theologians in our own day. Bauerschmidt discusses Thomas’s understanding of the nature of theology and of God; his reflections on virtue, vice, and the moral life; and his theology of Christ, the Church, and the Sacraments. In "Thinking Through Aquians", Thomas is brought into dialogue with figures ranging from Michel Foucault to Flannery O’Connor, Jonathan Lear to Ignacio Ellacuría, Stanley Hauerwas to St. John Paul II. Add this illuminating deep dive into the thought and theology of Aquinas to your order today and get 20% off!

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Thomas Aquinas:
Selected Commentaries on the Old Testament
Written by Thomas Aquinas
Edited by Jason C. Paone
Word on Fire Academic  |  September 16, 2024
Hardcover  |  224 Pages  |  6” x 9”
Thomas Aquinas:
Selected Commentaries on the New Testament
Written by Thomas Aquinas
Edited by Jason C. Paone
Word on Fire Academic  | August 1, 2022
Hardcover  |  448 Pages  |  6” x 9”
GET BOTH VOLUMES FOR $59.90 $37 (38% OFF)
$59.90 $37 (38% OFF)

Here’s What People Are Saying About Thomas Aquinas: Selected Commentaries on the Old Testament


“This volume presents select texts from Aquinas’s commentaries on Psalms, Job, and Isaiah, focusing on the most beautiful passages that unveil the mystery of God, His nature, wisdom, and justice in relation to human experiences such as suffering and admiration for the beauty of the created world. In its pages, the reader encounters theological masterpieces that seek to convey the richness of the Word of God bestowed upon the Church. For St. Thomas, the Bible is not just one of many books of ancient wisdom but a testimony of God’s revelation, a living Word that grows with its readers, as Gregory the Great observed. Surely, it will also grow in the heart of anyone who picks up this book.
— Piotr Roszak, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

“‘The Sacred Scriptures manifest the heart of Christ,’ St. Thomas writes in commenting on Psalm 21. Deeply formed by the religious and liturgical life of the Order of Preachers, Thomas taught this saving truth, these ‘words of eternal life’ to his students. Carefully selected from his Old Testament commentaries, this volume introduces the reader to the heart of God’s message as studied and meditated upon by a saintly theologian. Jason Paone is to be highly recommended for selecting and opening up to readers the immense wealth and depth of St. Thomas’s biblical commentaries. I hope these volumes find a place and use in every household.
Jörgen Vijgen, Member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas

“Jason Paone has selected passages from St. Thomas’s Old Testament commentaries that can help his reader read Sacred Scripture more deeply and more fruitfully. With Paone’s skillful topical organization, we see how the mysteries of the Old Testament illuminate the deepest realities of the faith. The luminous clarity of St. Thomas’s mind is once again placed in the service of the faithful in these selections. This is a book to be taken to prayer.
John F. Boyle, Professor of Catholic Studies and Theology, University of St. Thomas






About the Editor


Jason C. Paone is the editor of Word on Fire Academic and the managing editor of The New Ressourcement. He earned a bachelor of arts in classics and philosophy from The University of Texas at Austin and a master of theological studies from Duke University. He received a graduate fellowship from the Institute for Human Ecology at The Catholic University of America, where he completed a doctorate in historical and systematic theology. His dissertation focuses on Thomas Aquinas’s theory of faith. He lives in Dallas, Texas, with his wife and three children.







Thomas Aquinas: Selected Commentaries on the Old Testament

The Prologue of Saint Thomas to the Psalms
The Prologue of Saint Thomas to Job
The Prologue of Saint Thomas to Isaiah

Chapter 1: Divine Wisdom, Creation, and the Cosmos

Job 38:1–12: Divine Wisdom
Psalm 8: Creation and the Transcendence of God
Psalm 23: The Earth Is the Lord’s
Psalm 32: Spiritual Joy and Praise

Chapter 2: Divine Justice, Human Sin, and Suffering

Job 1:20–22: Suffering, Sadness, and Divine Providence
Job 7:1–10: The Ultimate End Beyond the Present Life
Job 7:16b–21: Human Helplessness and Divine Concern
Job 40:1–9: Human Pride and Divine Justice

Chapter 3: Divine Revelation

Psalm 13: Natural Revelation
Isaiah 6:1–7: Revelation and the Ministry of Angels
Job 4:12–5:1: Human Fallibility and the Varieties of Revelation

Chapter 4: Christ, Redemption, and the Church

Isaiah 7:10–25: Prophecies of the Incarnation
Psalm 31: Sin and Penance
Psalm 21: The Suffering of Christ
Psalm 47: The Magnificence of the Church

Chapter 5: Last Things

Job 14:5–6: Death and Resurrection
Job 14:7–12: Death and the End of the World Order
Job 14:13–17: Hope for the Resurrection
Job 14:18–22: The Immortality of the Soul
Job 19:23–29: Prophecy of the Resurrection
General Index
Index of Ancient Sources
1. Old Testament
2. New Testament
3. Patristic and Medieval Works



Thomas Aquinas: Selected Commentaries on the New Testament

Introduction by Jason C. Paone
Before Study: A Prayer of Thomas Aquinas
The Inaugural Sermons
- The Division of Sacred Scripture
- Commendation of Sacred Scripture
The Prologue of Saint Thomas to the Gospel of John

FROM THE FATHER: The Being and Incarnation of the Word

The Word from Heaven Now Proceeding
- A Hymn of Thomas Aquinas

Chapter 1: The Divine and Human Generations of Christ

John 1:1–2: The Being of the Word
Matthew 1:1: The Human Nature of Christ

Chapter 2: Christ and the Creation of the World

John 1:3–4: The Word as the Creative Wisdom of the Father
Hebrews 1:10–12: The Son, Founder of the Heavens and Earth

Chapter 3: Christ: The Incarnation of the Word

John 1:14a: The Word’s Assumption of Human Nature
John 1:14b: Christ’s Glory, Grace, and Truth

BY HIM: The Redemptive Passion and Death of Christ

At the Elevation of the Body of Christ
- A Prayer of Thomas Aquinas

Chapter 4: The Sacrificial End of the Incarnation

John 3:16–21: The Gift of the Only Begotten Son
Philippians 2:5–8: Christ’s Obedient Self-Emptying
Hebrews 2:9–13: Christ Condescended to Suffer for All

Chapter 5: The Sacrificial Death of Christ

Matthew 27:27–66: The Passion of Christ
Hebrews 2:14–18: Christ’s Triumph in Death
Hebrews 9:23–28: Christ the High Priest and Sacrifice
John 13:31–32: The Cross: Christ’s Glory

Chapter 6: Christ’s Victory over Death

John 20:1–9: Racing to the Tomb: Models of Devotion to Christ
John 20:10–13: Magdalene’s Tears: Hope Born of Inconsolable Love
John 20:14–18: “Whom Do You Seek?”: Recognizing the Glorified Lord
1 Corinthians 15:20–28: Christ as Firstfruits of the Resurrection
1 Thessalonians 4:12–18: Christ’s Resurrection Raises the World

IN HIM: Participation in Christ’s Life

Praise, O Zion, Your Redeemer
- A Hymn of Thomas Aquinas

Chapter 7: Christ’s Revelation of the Father

John 1:9–10: The World’s Ignorance of the Word
Hebrews 1:1–2: Christ, the Ultimate Revelation

Chapter 8: Christ’s Grace

John 1:16–17: Christ’s Fullness: The Source of All Grace
Titus 2:11–15: Christ’s Grace for the Sanctification of All
Ephesians 2:8–10: Our Salutary Virtues Are Christ’s Gifts

Chapter 9: Application of Christ’s Gifts in the Sacraments

Hebrews 6:1–6: The Spiritual Pedagogy of Christ
Romans 6:1–5: Baptism: Dying and Rising with Christ
John 3:1–6: Spiritual Rebirth and the Necessity of Baptism
1 Corinthians 11:23–24: Christ’s Institution of the Eucharist
Matthew 26:27–29: Christ’s Consecration of the Chalice

THROUGH HIM: Participation in the Triune Life through Christ

For God’s Blessing
- A Prayer of Thomas Aquinas

Chapter 10: Christ’s Gift of His Spirit

John 14:15–17: Receiving the Spirit of Love and Truth
John 14:22–26: The Son’s Spirit of Love
Galatians 4:6–7: Christ’s Spirit of Adoption

Chapter 11: Christ’s Gift of Divine Sonship

Romans 8:14–17: Adoptive Sonship in Christ
John 15:9–13: “That They Would Be Gods”: Participation in Divine Love
John 16:23–24: Prayer to the Father in Christ’s Name
John 16:25–28: Christ’s Promise of Intimacy with the Father

Chapter 12: The Vision of God

1 Timothy 6:15–16: The Incomprehensible Infinity of God
1 Corinthians 13:12–13: The Beatific Vision
2 Corinthians 12:1–2: The Rapture of Saint Paul
John 17:24–26: Christ’s Prayer for the Glory of the Faithful

WITH HIM: Christian Discipleship and the Mystical Body of Christ

For the Attainment of Heaven
- A Prayer of Thomas Aquinas

Chapter 13: The Being and Mission of Christ’s Church

Matthew 16:13–19: “Upon This Rock”: Christ Founds His Church
Colossians 1:18–23: Christ’s Headship over His Mystical Body
Romans 12:4–13: The Members of Christ’s Mystical Body
John 21:1–6: The Church’s Toil in the Twilight of the Resurrection
John 21:15–17: “Feed My Lambs”: Christ’s Mandate to Church Leaders
John 17:20–23: Christ’s Prayer for the Unity of the Church

Chapter 14: Christ’s Moral Teaching and the Fruit of His Spirit

Matthew 5:3–10: The Beatitudes
Galatians 5:22–23: The Fruits of the Spirit

Chapter 15: The Theological Virtues

Hebrews 11:1: Faith: The Beginning of Eternal Life
Romans 5:1–5: Hope: The Glory of the Sons of God
1 Corinthians 13:4–7: Charity: The Greatest Virtue


John 21:24–25: The Epilogue of John’s Gospel
Devoutly I Adore You, Hidden Deity: A Prayer of Thomas Aquinas
General Index
Index of Ancient Sources
1. Old Testament
2. New Testament
3. Patristic and Medieval Works


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If you have children in your life, you want to cultivate wonder and joy in their hearts. In a world full of noise and distraction, you want their imagination to be formed by beauty so they will be drawn to God who is Beauty itself. You want them to be inspired by the saints and led to holiness. Word on Fire Spark is publishing the resources you have been waiting for. Spark offers carefully crafted stories with stunning illustrations designed to turn young hearts to the Gospel. 

Introducing Word on Fire Spark!

If you have children in your life, you want to cultivate wonder and joy in their hearts. In a world full of noise and distraction, you want their imagination to be formed by beauty so they will be drawn to God who is Beauty itself. You want them to be inspired by the saints and led to holiness. Word on Fire Spark is publishing the resources you have been waiting for. Spark offers carefully crafted stories with stunning illustrations designed to turn young hearts to the Gospel.